Copyright Tri-State Glass Company llc. All rights reserved. 

Tri- State Glass Co.

Carl von Dassel Jr.

          Owner President

Past president CGDA

Treasurer CGDA

DCP licensing board member


Tri-State Glass Company llc. is a long time member of the Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce and supports a variety of community based organizations. We support our Veterans through the local VFW and American Legion chapters. We proudly support the Shorline Soup Kitchens. We work with area school systems providing materials and technical support to help our next generation achieve greatness. Our company is an active member of the Connecticut Glass Dealers Association and our employees participate in State accredited apprenticeship training programs. We are a Lead-Safe EPA Certified Firm. We are active with the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection Licensing Program and are registered with the Connecticut Department of Labor.

Our Foundation

Memberships an affillations 

​​​​​​Brian Vonaa   ​Project foreman   GLZ907-FG2

Anthony Raucci  ​Installation professional   

​​Nina Sulinski   Comptroller 

Rob Bragaw    Installation professional 

Nick Cartier    Asst Operations Manager

Connor Woodworth Installation professional

Mike Cianciolo  ​Installation professional

Larry Rarick  Installation apprentice

Nick Earl Installation apprentice

Chris Coley

      Operations Manager


Our Team

For more than 54 years, our firm has been delivering on our promise to provide superior service using quality materials at a fair market price.  We take pride in our work and it shows in the results. We are a family owned business who believes in customer satisfaction.

We are at the forefront of our industry, and education of our employees is paramount. Our employees are State of Connecticut licensed glazers or are enrolled in State approved education programs. All employees are OSHA trained and certified.


Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday 8:00 - 12:00 noon

Closed Sundays 

​860-388-4091 phone

​860-395-4257 fax

Contact Information